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Meet Yanyan

Assistant Professor of Information and Technology Management


2006 University of Shanghai, BBA
2010 University of Shanghai, MSM
2013 Dakota State University, M.Sc. Ìý
2017 Dakota State University, DSc.

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Courses Taught

Systems Analysis and Design
Database Management

Career Specialties

Yanyan Shang’s research interests broadly lie in management strategies, social media, and data modeling and analysis. She holds a business analytics graduate certificate.

Professional and Community Activities

There are two main streams of Shang’s research interests. One area is mathematical modeling and analysis for business decision making process and management strategies. The other area is data analytics in social media, especially in the health virtual community.

Shang has published peer-reviewed article in the journal IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, and had several peer-reviewed conference publications and presentations, including ICIS, AMCIS, HICSS, INFROMS and MAM conferences.

She serves as a peer reviewer for theÌýJournal: Information Systems FrontiersÌý(ISF), and IS conferences such as AMCIS, ICIS, HICSS, DSI and MAM. She served on the University Research Committee at DSU, and served as a volunteer mentor of Madison Middle and High school teams in the BEST Robotics Game.

Honors and Awards

PI of Student Research Initiative (SRI) Award at DSU (2014-2017)
Graduate Student Teaching Assistant Award at DSU (2015-2017)
Graduate with honors of Shanghai municipal government (2010)