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Meet Cedric

Associate Professor of Criminology and Criminal Justice


2000 Universite Blaise Pascal, B.A.
2001 Universite Blaise Pascal, M.A.
2014 University of South Florida, Ph.D.

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Courses Taught

Research Methods in Criminology and Criminal Justice
Criminological Theory
Death Penalty
White-Collar and Elite Crime

Career Specialties

Cedric Michel's main research focuses on, but is not limited to, the etiology of societal response to crime. He is particularly interested in the effect of increased public knowledge about crime on attitudes toward it. Such attitudes comprise perceptions of crime seriousness as well as support for punitive criminal justice policies. His first publication highlighted racial and gender differences in decreases in public support for the death penalty after exposure to relevant information about capital punishment. Similarly, he has embarked on a series of research projects meant to measure public knowledge about white-collar crime and the effect of increased information on general sentiments toward corporate offenders.

Professional and Community Activities

Michel’s research has appeared in journals such as Critical Criminology, the Journal of Ethnicity in Criminal Justice and the American Journal of Criminal Justice. A member of the American Society of Criminology and the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, he regularly presents his work at national conferences.