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Meet Elena

Assistant Professor, Accounting


2006 Florida International University, BBA
2006 Florida International University, BAcc
2007 Florida International University, MAcc
2016 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Ph.D.

View CV (PDF)

Courses Taught

Managerial Accounting

Career Specialties

Elena Klevsky specializes in behavioral research on auditing, financial and managerial accounting topics.

Professional and Community Activities

Elena Klevsky’s research focuses on how social relationships impact workplace behavior and decision-making. So far, she has studied how an individual’s characteristics may impact their work group’s performance, how an accountant’s perception of an individual changes how the accountant processes the information provided by that individual, and what it takes for unsought information (e.g., overheard conversations) to produce positive outcomes in accounting settings. Klevsky’s research has been published in Accounting, Organizations and Society and Fraud Magazine and presented at conferences held by the American Accounting Association.

Honors and Awards

2019 TLC Section Best Paper Award at Ohio Region Meeting
2019 MAS Midyear Meeting Outstanding Reviewer Award
2011 Accounting Doctoral Scholar