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Meet Kimia

Assistant Professor, Information & Technology


2011 Payamnoor University, B.Sc. in Industrial Engineering
2016 The University of Tehran, M.Sc. in Business Administration with a Concentration in Management Information Systems
2021 University of South Florida, Ph.D. in Business Administration

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Courses Taught

Application Development
Web and Mobile Applications Technology

Career Specialties

Kimia Keshanian's research interests include, but are not limited to, mobile advertising and online advertising. She utilizes optimization techniques, in particular integer programming, and a variety of machine-learning techniques in her research to solve sophisticated problems in the information systems domain involving high-dimensional datasets.Ìý

Professional and Community Activities

Keshanian has prepared several papers under second/third of reviews in top-tier journals including Production and Operations Management (POM) and INFORMS Journal on Computing (IJOC).

Keshanian also has several publications in information systems-related conferences including Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology (DESRIST), Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems (WITS), and INFORMS Workshop on Data Science (IWDS).