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Meet Sulei

Assistant Professor, Finance


2013 Central University of Finance and Economics, B.S.
2015 Lehigh University, M.S.
2022 University of Central Florida, Ph.D.

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Courses Taught

Intermediate Financial Management
International Financial Management

Career Specialties

Sulei Han's research interests include empirical asset pricing, security analysts, short sales, mutual funds, executive compensation and behavioral finance.

Professional and Community Activities

Han's research has been presented at various conferences including the Financial Management Association (FMA), the Southern Finance Association (SFA), the Southwestern Finance Association (SWFA) and the Florida Finance Conference. She has been a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) since 2020 and Certified Financial Risk Manager (FRM) since 2019. She is also a member of the American Finance Association and the Financial Management Association.

Honors and Awards

Ph.D. Student Teaching Excellence Award 2021