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Meet Chivon

Associate Professor, Criminology


2001 Penn State, B.A.
2003 Edinboro University of Pennsylvania, M.A.
2014 Kent State University, Ph.D.

View CV (PDF)

Courses Taught

Proseminar In Criminal Justice Issues
Ethics Issues in Criminal Justice
Criminological Theory
Human Trafficking

Career Specialties

Chivon Fitch’s research interests focus on expanding explanations of the gendered nature of offending, the implications of race, sexuality, gender and age on victimization, the experiences of incarcerated individuals, and the impact of race and gender in navigating the justice system. Of particular interest are the experiences of under examined populations in the criminal justice system, like the aging incarcerated population and incarcerated parents.

Professional and Community Activities

Fitch’s current research examines the experiences of race, gender and sexuality, as well as aging, among the incarcerated. She is interested in inmate adjustment and mental health based on intersectional identities. Her other research examines perceptions of victim credibility for sexual victimization. Her research has been published in Deviant Behavior, Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health, Crime, Law, and Social Change, and the Journal of Family Issues.

Honors and Awards

Lewis-Benson Award for Outstanding Teaching at Kent State University in 2014